Ssc Means In Educational Field

what is ssc means

Hello friends, welcome to our site In this article we have given the information about What is SSC and SSC Means In Educational Field. We have also explain the importance of this Secondary School Certificate for higher education and full form in short. In this article we have cleared all doubts about what are the differences between them. So read the full article for better understanding.

Ssc Means

SSC means nothing but the Secondary School Certificate. Mostly the major question arise in mind is that what is hsc and ssc means in india. This are the types of public examination organized in countries like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. This exam is also called as 10th Board exam in India.

In India, this exam is conduct by educational boards of each state of India. At national level, this exam is conduct by the central board of secondary education (CBSE). The exam of Secondary School Certificate is conduct every year between January and April month in Indian states. And the result will declared in the months of May and June. This exam is also conduct in countries other than India.

What Is Ssc And Full Form Of Ssc Entrance Exam

The full form of SSC entrance exam is SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. This is a type of public examination which we have discuss above. The syllabus of this exam is decided by the government of each state. This exam is important and compulsory for giving the exam of higher secondary education (HSC) in every country. which we have discussed above.

Students who are studying in 10th class are eligible for these examinations. It means that after passing the 10th class exam, this certificate will awarded to those students who successfully cleared all the exam papers of 10th class. This exam is similar to the GCSE exam which is conducting in England. And also same as first two years of high schools of the United States of America.

Some Common Subjects Of SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE Examination

  • English
  • Environment Education
  • personality development
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Geography
  • History
  • computer science / Information Technology

This are some common subjects which are chosen for conducting the exam. English and Mathematics are common for all board and all states.

Ssc means which class in India

This is the most common query, which bring you to read this article for clearing the confusion that Ssc means which class in India. SSC Means 10th class in India. You can see the attachment of ssc certificate with this article.

ssc mean

What is the difference between SSC and HSC?

SSC is stand for Secondary School Certificate and HSC is stand for Higher Secondary Certificate. SSC means 10th class and HSC means 12th class in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. We must Secondary School Certificate for taking participation in HSC examination. In simple we must pass the 10th class examination for taking admission in 12th class. This both certificate is very useful for further higher studies.This are some common differences between hsc and Secondary School Certificate.


SSC means the Secondary School Certificate. And this certificate is issue by the state board of education. And sometimes by the central board of secondary education (CBSC) after passing the 10th class exam. This certificates are very important for further studies of under graduation or post graduation.

Sometimes this certificates is responsible for deciding the level of reputation of college in which taking admission for your further studies of 12th class. Thank you for reading this post and you can able to comment below for further improvement of this article.

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