Hello friends, Welcome to infosarena.com . In this article there are 8 different types of Rain Water Harvesting Essay are written. This Essay are wrote in English language and arranged according to word count. You can able to get an essays of 100 words, 200 words, 400 words, 500 words and 1000 words in the below paragraphs. We have prepared a lot of things insight about our Rain Water Harvesting. This will be helpful for children to write an Rain Water Harvesting Essay from classes 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 to 10th. Also some information about topics related to Rain Water Harvesting  is also included in this article. Like How to write an Rain Water Harvesting Essay, What is Rain Water Harvesting  in simple words, importance of Rain Water Harvesting , Advantages of Rain Water Harvesting.
Some Key Points To Remember When Writing An Rain Water Harvesting Essay For Lower 5th,6th,7thClasses and Upper Classes
Table of Contents
Young youngsters may be confused while writing an essay for the 1st time. They may also forget to shape it properly to make it meaningful or write inappropriate records making the composition glide from the given subject matter. To assist youngsters write an excellent Rain Water Harvesting Essay, they should be aware of those key factors that can come in accessible:
Here are key points to recall for all students when writing an Rain Water Harvesting Essay:
- Explain what is Rain Water Harvesting.
- Purpose of rain water harvesting.
- Importance of rain water harvesting.
- Rain water harvesting methods.

Long and Short Rain Water Harvesting Essay in English-Rain Water Harvesting Essay 1 (100 words)
Rainwater harvesting is already widely used around the world as a method of harnessing rainwater for domestic and agricultural use. It is a method that has been used since ancient times and is being accepted worldwide as a practical way of providing potable water in development projects.
It is also widely used in urban and semi-urban areas, where the reliability and quality of piped water is increasingly being questioned. For centuries the world has relied on rainwater harvesting to supply water for domestic, landscape and agricultural uses. Before city water systems were developed, rainwater was collected (mostly from roofs) and stored in cisterns or storage tanks.
Today, many parts of the world, including Hawaii and the entire continent of Australia, promote rainwater as a major means of domestic water supply. On many Caribbean islands where rainwater is the most viable water supply option, public buildings, homes, and resorts all collect rainwater to supply their needs. In Hong Kong, rainwater is collected from skyscrapers to meet water needs.
Rain Water Harvesting Essay 2 (150 words)
Rain water is very useful for everyone. Rainwater harvesting is way in which rainwater is collected in a man-made pond or tank for future use. Since ancient times people have been collecting rain water on the roofs. The roof is cleaned with the first rain and the water is collected from the next rain. The collected rain water can be used in agriculture etc. The process of rain water harvesting is most beneficial in those areas where there is scarcity of water. By collecting rain water, the supply of water to the ground can also be completed and that water can be used when needed. We all should also collect and conserve rain water.
Rain Water Harvesting Essay 3 (300 words)
Rain water harvesting means collecting rain water. Rain water is collected in reservoirs or man-made artificial tanks. Some people also collect water on the roofs during rainy days. The roof is cleaned with the first rain of the season and water from the remaining rains is collected. The collected water can be used for farming, washing clothes etc. Rain water harvesting is very beneficial in those areas where there is scarcity of water. Rain water harvesting has been a part of our culture since ancient times.
Purpose of rain water harvesting
The purpose of collecting rain water is that there will be no shortage of water and all people will be able to use water fully. Rain water harvesting will reduce the water bill and also reduce the electricity bill. By doing this, the quality of the soil increases and it is helpful in making the soil fertile with fertilizer elements. Rain water harvesting also recharges the ground water and at the same time it reminds us of the old tradition of collecting water. Rainwater harvesting also reduces the risk of flooding and replenishes surface water.
Rain water harvesting is a very beneficial process which should be adopted by all of us. Only through this, control can be found on the decreasing water level in the earth. Rain water harvesting should be adopted especially in those areas where there is scarcity of water. Children should be taught about year water harvesting. We all should adopt the process of rain water harvesting to save water.
Rain Water Harvesting Essay 4 (400 words)
Various methods of water harvesting have been developed, which are in use around the world since long. According to the report, very little agriculture in the Middle East was based on “wadi” flow diversion in agricultural fields, a form of water harvesting and recycling of harvest water for irrigation.
Water harvesting systems in the Negev desert (Israel) have been reported to have been in use for 4000 years or more, where water harvesting was accomplished by clearing hills of vegetation to increase runoff and channeling the runoff to farm fields. it was done. Similarly, floodwater farming has been reported in desert areas of Arizona and northwestern New Mexico since at least 1000 years ago.
In southern Tunisia, which was discovered in the 19th century by travelers Pacey and Cullis (1986), described a micro-catchment technique for growing trees. The “khadin” system in India, in which flood water is channeled behind earthen bowls; And crops are planted in the field on the basis of residual moisture, which was due to infiltration by impure water. The use of traditional and also small-scale water harvesting systems by farmers in sub-Saharan Africa has also been reported. Some West African countries describe the method of water harvesting by building a simple structure using stones. In the central rangelands of Sudan and Somalia, the practice of water harvesting by building bund systems has been reported.
Rain Water Harvesting Essay 5 (500 words)
Rain water harvesting is one of the most commonly used methods to save water. It refers to the storage of rainwater for various uses. The concept behind rainwater harvesting is to not waste rainwater and prevent it from running off. In other words, it is done using simple mechanisms to collect rainwater. This method is very useful considering the scarcity of water in India. Plus, rainwater harvesting is so easy that almost anyone can do it. We should encourage this practice to help people get easy access to clean water without any cost.
Importance of rain water harvesting
As we know by now that rainwater harvesting is very easy and economical. Rainwater harvesting has become the need of the hour after the scarcity of water in many parts of the world. It should be practiced by people of all walks of life. This will also give them peace of mind knowing that they will not face water scarcity. Besides, rainwater harvesting holds more importance for you than you really think. As we know that surface water is not sufficient to meet the demands of the people, we can get additional help from rain water. Moreover, most of the people are now dependent on groundwater for their use. Many houses and even flats have submersible pumps in their place. Ground water is depleting day by day due to overuse, deforestation, urbanization and many more.
Thus, when we practice rain water harvesting, it can maintain the ground water level. In this way, we can all use groundwater as it will keep replenishing through rainwater harvesting. In addition, rainwater harvesting prevents water from entering the streets. It also reduces the chances of soil erosion. Most importantly, rainwater harvesting improves the quality of water that we consume, as it is the purest form of water.
Rain water harvesting methods
Rainwater harvesting is a very easy method that can be practiced by anyone. There are mainly two types of rainwater harvesting methods. The first one is surface runoff harvesting. In this method the water flowing from the surface is concentrated. We see how surface runoff causes a lot of water loss. However, if we make proper arrangements, we can save that water to use it for various purposes.
In this method, we can collect surface runoff water by making a path that leads to a storage place like a tank or a pond. It can help store a large amount of water which can be used later for a lot of work. Anyone can design an efficient system that will collect large amounts of water from streets, gardens, parks and more. This would certainly be enough to sustain a community and even a city designed on a large scale.
However, there will be a lot of impurities in the runoff water. Therefore, it is important to first filter the water properly so it can be reused for all purposes, be it drinking or cooking.
Next up, we have rainwater harvesting. Here, the roof of a house or building acts as a rainwater collection unit. It consists in equipping the roof with pipes that lead directly to a pit or tank. These pipes will divert water falling on the roof to prevent it from falling into the water tank. This is a very easy and efficient way of harvesting rainwater.
Rain Water Harvesting Essay 6 (700 words)
Rain water is a very good source for domestic and commercial use. And Rain is welcome sight which is very important for life in future. Rain water harvesting is such a technique in which rain water is saved and collected and used in future for agriculture etc. In true sense, the main purpose of water harvesting is to collect surface water for future use and to recharge ground water. Rainwater harvesting refers to the trapping and storage of rainwater so that the water can be used appropriately whenever it is needed in the future.
There are many different different ways to accomplish this task. Water is collected from the top of the roof or from the ground, wherever it rains, from ponds, lakes etc. man-made or from any natural resources. Some of the benefits of rainwater harvesting are as follows – It reduces water supply bills especially for institutions, It can reduce the worry of public water supply sources, It controls floods, It reduces the ground water level. It plays a big role in protecting against floods, it provides easy and low cost water supply in water scarce areas, it helps in reducing soil erosion and many more are just benefits.
In Indian state of Tamil Nadu, it has become necessary to collect rain water due to the increasing need and floods. The scheme was announced by the Tamil Nadu state government on 30 May 2014, under which around 50,000 structures are to be set up. Till date, there are about 4000 tanks for rain water harvesting in Madero in Tamil Nadu, which are getting a lot of benefits.
Rainwater harvesting is a technology or practice that has been around for a long time. With the changing times, its methods and uses are being developed in a better way.
What would life be like without rain? tell me your thoughts about it
If there was no rain, it would not have been counted among the six seasons of nature. In the absence of rainy season, we will have to face the following problems.
1) The problem of most severe drought will take a permanent form. No country or person develops in the condition of drought. Due to the lack of drinking water, the life of the common people will become difficult, because water is such a component for human beings, if it is not fulfilled, its life will become painful.
2) The earth will become a vast desert. At the end of the rain, the green fields, forests, groves etc. will all seem dry. The land will become barren.
3) All flowers, leaves and fuel will disappear from the world on which human life is based.
4) It will also have a bad effect on the environment. Plants and trees give us pure air and give us oxygen by taking carbon dioxide. Due to its absence environmental pollution will spread.
5) Due to lack of rain, problems like famine and famine will arise. To deal with which there will be loss of human power, it is a kind of natural outbreak.
6) Rain is our natural wealth and man has a deep relation with everything given by nature, so if such a situation arises, it will be very rare for human society to flourish.
Rain Water Harvesting Essay 7 (1000 words)
Water, the most important natural resource, is depleting quickly. It is something we have taken for granted for a long time. But with the decreasing water level, we have become more aware of the importance of water and the need to save it. The main reason for water crisis is environmental pollution. The underground layer part of soil and water is rapidly depleting as a result of pollution. Tube wells and taps are drying up in summer because of this shortage. People are starving for water, especially in dry areas. As a result, they replace dirty sources of water such as lakes, ponds and stagnant sources. This makes them fall sick and sometimes even leads to epidemics. People are not only die of thirst but also of water-borne diseases due to water crisis. It has given many ways to conserve water. One of such methods is rainwater harvesting.
What is rain water Harvesting in English?
Rainwater harvesting is the way of collecting rainwater from falling surfaces and then storing it for future use. Typically, water is collect from the roof and stored in a empty tank. It can also be stored in enywhere like dams or allowed to fall on land, creating a runoff. Rainwater harvesting is a sustainable and safe source of good quality water when collected and stored properly.
Why is rain water harvesting important?
Rain water harvesting is important in many ways Being the prime minister, it will save us from water scarcity. It is safe as it is in its purest form, free from bacteria, viruses, chemicals and rust and pipe filth. Exempted from You can use the stored water for agricultural purpose and feed your animals. It also has the ability to prevent drought-like conditions.
Rainwater harvesting can also satisfy the growing need of water and increase the amount of water in the underground. This will save water from getting wasted in drains and drains and water logging on the roads can also be prevented. It will also stop soil erosion.
How to increase rainwater?
There are two main methods of rainwater harvesting – surface aquifer harvesting and roof harvesting. Surface runoff method mainly occurs in urban areas where rainwater flows as surface runoff. This runoff is collected and stored and used. It is also used to recharge aquifers with the help of proper methods.
In terrace cropping system, rain water falls where it rains. Here, the roof becomes a receptacle and rainwater is save from the roof of the house or building. It can either be stored or removed through any proper channel anywhere.And Rooftop harvesting is effective and very economic if used properly,And it can also help in increasing the ground water level of the area. However, dirty roofs increase the hesitancy of collecting water from the roof. As a solution, several rain diverters or first flush devices are available on the market. They shut off or divert the first flow of water, therefore removing contaminants or bacteria from the harvest water that may already be present in the water.
Other ways to fight water crisis:
Water scarcity is highest in hot climate areas. This summer can be used to get rid of the crisis in the region. Solar powered water purifiers use zinc oxide and titanium oxide in containers that are exposed to ultraviolet radiations. This makes the water pure and suitable for drinking.
Leaks in water storage and transportation systems must be kept in check. More water is lost due to seepage than we might think, so cleaning up CO2 is also an important part of preventing water crises. In this process, the solid form of carbon dioxide is used to clean various surfaces. It is recycled from industrial waste. It helps in two things, solving the water crisis and preserving the environment.
Rain water harvesting can be done on industrial basis as well as domestic basis. You can supplement your fresh water supply, reduce your water bill and ensure you don’t run short of water. All you need is the proper equipment and knowledge of the process of rainwater harvesting.
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