Essay on plastic pollution – [ Best 3 – Plastic Pollution Essay ]

Essay on plastic pollution
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Hello friends, Welcome to . In this article there are 3 different types of Essay on plastic pollution are written. This Essay are wrote in English language and arranged according to word count. You can able to get an essays of  100 words, 200 words, 400 words, 500 words and up to 1000 words in the below paragraphs.

We have prepared a lot of things insight about our Essay on plastic pollution . This will be helpful for children to write an good Essay on plastic pollution from classes 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 to 10th. Also some information about topics related to Essay is also included in this article. Like How to write an good essay on Essay on plastic pollution and many more.

Some Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay on plastic pollution :

Young youngsters may be confused while writing an essay for the 1st time. They may also forget to shape it properly to make it meaningful or write inappropriate records making the composition glide from the given subject matter. To assist youngsters write an excellent piece on Essay on plastic pollution, they should be aware of those key factors that can come in accessible:

Here are key points to recall for all students when writing an Essay on plastic pollution :

  • Explain Essay on plastic pollution.
  • Causes of plastic pollution.
  • Disadvantages of plastic.
  • Effects of plastic pollution.
  • Conclusion.

Essay on plastic pollution in 250 words

Accumulation of things made of plastic in water and land is called plastic pollution. This pollution has a very bad effect on the lives of animals and humans. Plastic is the most main cause of plastic pollution. Which is increasing day by day. Now it was a little less due to Corona virus because the whole world came to a standstill for 3 months.

Since plastic is not as expensive as gold, it is easily available and used everywhere. Its not being soluble is the biggest reason for plastic pollution. From childhood to old age, we are surrounded by plastics, wherever we look, material made of plastic will be seen. The amount of plastic that melts in it is less and the quantity of non-melting plastic is more. Throw out those items which cause plastic pollution.
ways to prevent plastic pollution

Man has become so used to using things made of plastic in his life that he cannot leave it now. Because from the milk bottle of the children in childhood to the water bottle of the elderly in old age, everything is made of plastic. We can use it less, make such a habit and avoid things made of plastic. We can use bags made of cloth, jute or paper to bring goods from the market.

The plastic that is recycled can be recycled to make bags, purses and soluble bags can be made with it, which dissolves easily after becoming useless.

If we implement the above measures in our life together, then we can eliminate plastic pollution gradually. By doing this one day we can get rid of plastic pollution.

Essay On Plastic pollution in 500 words For Students

Introduction :

Today man is suffering from different types of diseases but the reason for this is man himself. In earlier times there were very few diseases as compared to the present. Even the diseases that used to occur, were cured by home remedies only. But today this does not happen.

Today such a dangerous disease has come, on which lakhs of rupees are spent, even then that disease does not end from the root. Today, the biggest reason for the deterioration of human health is pollution. Humans themselves are the cause of pollution. Man spreads pollution in many ways, plastic pollution is one of them.

Technology is developing a lot every day. Man uses plastic to make his work easy and to live cheaply. Plastic was not used in earlier times, due to which there was no plastic pollution earlier, but at present only plastic is seen everywhere.

Even if you buy a small chocolate, it also comes in a plastic cover only. Even the eatables are covered with plastic.

Disadvantages of plastic :

Even though plastic is very cheap and its utility is also very high, but its loss is also very high. Food items are sold packed in plastic. But these food items harm our health by staying in plastic packets for a long time. For example, in today’s time, people keep water inside the bottles in the freeze and the water left in the bottle for a long time can harm our health.

Most of the pollution is caused by plastic and the reason for this is that plastic does not decompose at all. A polythene remains in the same state even after being buried in the ground for millions of years.

Today, plastic is used in every field and there is a many of plastic in the waste generated, which is thrown in ponds or waves and on the ground. In this way, plastic waste pollutes the water as well as pollutes the land.

Some people try to eliminate plastic by burning it, but burning plastic releases carbon dioxide gas, which pollutes the atmosphere.

Ways to stop plastic pollution :

Plastic pollutes land, water and air all three. So it is very important to eliminate plastic pollution. However, the use of plastic cannot be stopped completely. Because today its utility has become in every little thing and it is also very cheap. But we can try to reduce the utility of plastic.

Paper or paper bags can be used instead of plastic bags to buy some items in the market.
Instead of using plastic utensils in weddings or various parties, paper or steel utensils can be used.
Plastic can be reused to prevent plastic pollution.
All clothes in clothing stores come packaged in plastic, instead of that paper packets can be used.

Conclusion :

Due to the increasing use of plastic day by day, plastic pollution has taken a formidable form, which is causing serious problems for life, causing many types of diseases. That is why all of us important to take some steps to reduce plastic pollution as soon as possible.

Essay on plastic pollution For Students
Essay on plastic pollution For Students

Essay on plastic pollution in 800 words in English

Introduction :

There is limitless to the harm that plastic pollution is causing to the ecosystem today. There is no idea of ​​how much more damage it may cause in the future. Now if we reduce its negative impact, then plastic pollution will automatically reduce. Polythene is the most harmful item in this.

Causes of plastic pollution :

Polythene bags are easy to make and cheap. That’s why it is used more everywhere. Because of this polythene, the river drains get stuck and spread dangerous diseases.

The waste of plastic items is increasing day by day, because plastic is an insoluble material. It simply means that it does not mix on water and earth. For this reason, pollution from plastic is more.

No matter how many pieces of plastic you want, but they do not dissolve, due to which the problem arises. When these pieces are found in the source of water, there is no problem at that time, but if there is a decrease in the flow of water and at some places the polythene gets stuck, then it creates a problem.

Effects of plastic pollution :

Water pollution: The things made of plastic are mostly not of soluble nature. That’s why plastic only harms the environment the most. According to a study, drinking water repeatedly in a bottle made of plastic creates a serious disease in your body. When the waste made of plastic gets into the biggest reservoir of water, river, sea and ocean, then no matter how much you filter it, but that harmful substance does not dissolve.

Land pollution: Most of the waste plastic is seen in the garbage heap. If it is not disposed of on earth, then this garbage takes the form of a mountain. The land also becomes barren due to this waste.

Air pollution: When human beings do not see the disposal of plastic waste, then they think of burning it. When plastic is burnt, the carbon that is inside it comes out and dissolves in the air. Due to which the gas of those harmful chemicals causes burning sensation in the eyes.

Threat to the life of marine animals: When people eat food in plastic utensils and disposals, and later when these utensils or disposals are thrown into the water for disposal, marine animals eat them considering it as food. Because of which he falls ill. And when they fall ill, the whole water becomes dirty.

Danger to the life of animals and birds: Most of the animals and birds eat the food thrown in the garbage, so when any food item is thrown in the polythene, it eats it directly, due to which that plastic can also get stuck in their intestines. cause some other serious disease.

Ways to avoid plastic pollution :

To stop plastic pollution, we have to start from our own home and then go door to door to create awareness. I am writing some measures below, see, understand and implement them.

1)First of all, we have to reduce the use of polythene. Whenever you go out of the house to buy something, take a cloth bag or a jute bag with you. Due to which the shopkeeper will not give goods in polythene.
2)Paper or cloth bags should be kept in all shopkeepers and shopping malls, which will minimize the use of polythene.
3)Heaps of plastic waste should be disposed of properly, just like that should not be put in water or in the ground.
4)Plastic that can be recycled should be recycled to make products that reduce plastic pollution.
5)Dumping zone should also be made at the right place, so that it does not get stuck in the drain.
6)Plastic should never be burnt, it increases the spread of pollution.
7)What tough decisions should be taken by the government
Strict steps will have to be taken by the Government of India to stop plastic pollution, only then it will help to stop a little bit of plastic pollution.

Some of the following decisions should be implemented :

1)Put a little control on the production of plastic.
2)Ban items that have non-dissolving plastic.
3)Spread awareness through street plays.
4)Appeal to the people to reduce the use of plastic bags, reduce the use of bottled water, reduce the use of plastic disposables when ordering food from outside. Give your garbage to companies that recycle.

Conclusion :

It has been seen that plastic pollution has been increasing very fast for the last few decades, if it is not disposed of now, the future will go into darkness. Because this pollution causes three more pollution which are even more harmful. Meaning that plastic pollution also causes water pollution, soil pollution and air pollution. That’s why the government has to find a solution to this pollution as soon as possible.

10 Lines on plastic pollution Essay :

  1. Plastic pollution has a very bad effect on the lives of animals and humans.
  2. Today man is suffering from different types of diseases but the reason for this is man himself.
  3. Even though plastic is very cheap and its utility is also very high, but its loss is also very high.
  4. Most of the pollution is caused by plastic and the reason for this is that plastic does not decompose at all.
  5. Some people try to eliminate plastic by burning it, but burning plastic releases carbon dioxide gas, which pollutes the atmosphere.
  6. There is no any limit to the harm that plastic pollution is causing to the ecosystem today.
  7. Now if we reduce its negative impact, then plastic pollution will automatically reduce.
  8. Today, plastic is used in every field and there is a many of plastic in the waste generated, which is thrown in ponds or waves and on the ground.
  9. In today’s time, people keep water inside the bottles in the freeze and the water kept in the bottle for a long time can harm our health.
  10. Plastic was not used in earlier times, due to which there was no plastic pollution earlier, but at present only plastic is seen everywhere.

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