Essay on Mango For Students – [ Best Essay On Mango ]

Essay on Mango

Hello friends, Welcome to . In this article there are 3 different types of Essay on Mango are written. This Essay are wrote in English language and arranged according to word count. You can able to get an essays of  100 words, 200 words, 400 words, 500 words and up to 1000 words in the below paragraphs.

We have prepared a lot of things insight about our Essay on Mango . This will be helpful for children to write an good Essay on Mango  from classes 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 to 10th. Also some information about topics related to Essay is also included in this article. Like How to write an good essay on Essay on Mango and many more.

Some Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay on Mango :

Young youngsters may be confused while writing an essay for the 1st time. They may also forget to shape it properly to make it meaningful or write inappropriate records making the composition glide from the given subject matter. To assist youngsters write an excellent piece on Essay on Mango , they should be aware of those key factors that can come in accessible:

Here are key points to recall for all students when writing an Essay on Mango  :

  • Explain Essay on Mango .
  • Benefits of eating mango.
  • Conclusion.

Essay on Mango in 100 Words 

( Short Essay on Mango )

There is an Aam ki Guthli in the mango fruit. The part between the mango kernel and the peel is eaten. Its juice is also extracted. You can also eat it directly after removing the skin of mango.

Mango kernels are dried and later it is made into mango powder, raw mango pickle is also made and mango marmalade is also made. Mango marmalade is very beneficial for our body.

If we talk about its history, then its history is more than 5000 years old. The tree under which Lord Buddha attained enlightenment was a mango tree.

Essay on Mango in 150 Words For Students

Mango is such a fruit which is found everywhere in the world. Mango species are more than 1500 in the whole world and it is also the favorite fruit of many people. 60% of the world’s mangoes are produced in India only and India
Out of 1500 mango varieties in India, 1000 mango varieties are found in India only.

Mango is found in many types of colors like orange, yellow, green etc. Some species of mangoes are very famous in which Langda mango, Hafus mango, Fazli mango, Sundari mango, Malda mango, Dussehri mango are prominent.

All these mangoes are very sweet to eat. But among these, langda mango is liked by more people and it is also very sweet to eat, mostly this mango is eaten.

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Essay on Mango in 400 Words – Long Essay On Mango

There would hardly be anyone among us who would not have eaten mangoes. On hearing the name of mango, our mouth starts watering. Sometimes we find the taste of mango sweet and sometimes sour. It is one of the tastiest fruits in the world.

Initially, when the mango is not fully ripe, it tastes sour. But when fully ripe, it becomes very sweet. AndMango is the king of fruits and it is also our national fruit.

Mango season is summer. If you want to enjoy the taste of mango, then you can easily enjoy it in summer and it is also available everywhere. For this you do not even need to go anywhere. In today’s time, you do not have to wait for summer to enjoy mangoes. Because now its stock is kept.

When the mango is not fully ripe, it is not sweet to eat, its taste is sour. When the mango is not fully ripened, it is called raw mango or kairi. Its pickle is made, which is called Aam ka Achar and it is also very tasty.

In today’s time, mango barfi is made, mango ice cream is made and also many types of food dishes are made from mango. Its powder is also made by drying mangoes.

Apart from being delicious, mangoes are also beneficial for our health. If someone gets heatstroke, then drinking raw mango water gives him a lot of relief and the problem of heatstroke also goes away in a short time.

Conclusion :

Everyone is crazy about mangoes. Everyone likes to eat mangoes, that’s why big companies sell mango juice (Mango in Hindi) in bottles in the markets. Due to which you also get mango juice and the income of that company also increases. Its special advantage is that we get these bottles in any season. You don’t have to wait for summer for this.

Essay on Mango For Students
Essay on Mango For Students

Mango Tree Essay – Essay On Mango Tree

Mango tree (Aam ka Ped) is an evergreen tree which gives us the pleasure of fruits for many years. Its leaves are pointed and longer than the leaves of other trees. The height of this tree is also very high. It starts bearing fruits after it is about 10 years old, as mentioned earlier, India is the largest producer of mangoes. You can use Aam ki Guthli for mango cultivation.

Benefits of eating mango :

1)Antioxidants, minerals, enzymes and vitamins are found in mangoes.
2)Vitamin A, B, C and fiber are found in Mango, which is beneficial for many stomach problems.
3)Constipation is relieved by eating mangoes. Mango contains citric acid, due to which the digestive power works properly.
4)Eating this fruit reduces the chances of getting cancer, premature aging does not come and diseases related to the heart also go away.
5)Mango fruit is very beneficial for blood pressure patients.
6)If we consume the leaves of the mango tree, there is no deficiency of insulin in our blood and the chances of diabetes are reduced.
7)Aam ke Sevan makes our skin soft and beautiful. It also stops our hair fall.
8)By eating mangoes, our eyesight increases and the ability to remember also increases.
9)By doing Aam ka Sevan, the weight of lean people also increases.

Disadvantages of Mango :

1)By eating more mangoes in summer, acne and pimples come out on our face.
2)In today’s time, we get mangoes in the market even without season. These are cooked by common chemicals which are harmful for our health.
3)Those who have diabetes, they should consume mangoes only after the advice of the doctor.
4)A lot of sugar is found in mangoes, which leads to weight gain. Those who are already obese should reduce their intake of mangoes. 5)Consuming too much mango can also cause diarrhea.
6)Mango should not be eaten by pregnant women, it has a bad effect on the child.

10 lines On Mango Essay :

  1. Mango is a tropical fruit that is native to South Asia and widely grown in many parts of the world.
  2. Mango is known for its sweet and juicy flavor and is used in a variety of dishes, including smoothies, salads, and desserts.
  3. Mangoes are a good source of vitamins A and C, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin and boosting the immune system.
  4. Mangoes also contain dietary fiber, which helps to promote digestion and prevent constipation.
  5. The fruit is high in antioxidants, which help to protect the body from harmful free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  6. Mangoes can be eaten fresh or used in a variety of culinary applications, such as chutneys and pickles.
  7. There are hundreds of different mango varieties, each with its unique taste and texture.
  8. Mangoes are harvested during the summer months and are a popular seasonal fruit.
  9. Mango trees can grow up to 40 meters tall and can produce fruit for up to 300 years.
  10. In some cultures, mangoes are considered a symbol of love and are often given as gifts to show affection.

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