Deen Dayal Upadhyaya | Information and Biography |

deen dayal upadhayaya

Birth 25th September 1916 in Mathura District, U.P.
New Paper : Panchajanya, Rashtriya Dharma and Swadesh.
Death 11th February 1968 at Mughalsarai, U.P.
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya was a great philosopher, Sociologist, historian, journalist, economist, and political scientist. He was one of the most important leaders of the Bhartiya Jan Sangh from 1953 to 1968. Dayal has been the source of moral and ideological inspiration since the formation of Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP).And also continues to inspire the leaders and workers of the party till date due to his philosophy and ethical conduct in public life. He had always maintained highest standards of moral Integrity in his life. Deen Dayal Upadhayaya had developed an alternative model of governance in his Integral Humanism Theory.

Integral Humanism Theory: The Integral Humanism Theory propounded by Deendayal Upadhyaya has three inter-related aspects.
1) It is the integration of the body, mind, intellect and soul of a person.
2) It is the integration of the material and the spiritual aspects of life.
3) It is the integration of the individual and the collective.
He had opposed the philosophies of socialism, Communism, Individualism and Capitalism. According to him, these western theories do not suit the needs of the nation and blocks the original Indian thoughts. He greatly believed in the Swaraja and Swadeshi. Also he adopted a very pragmatic approach in politics and economics. And he welcomed modern technology but it should be modified to satisfy the needs of the people of India. He argued that India should adopt a decentralized polity .Now self-reliant economy with the village as the base. He always believed in a constructive approach to the Politics. 

integral humanism theory

He had opposed the philosophies of socialism, Communism, Individualism and Capitalism. According to him, these western theories do not suit the needs of the nation and blocks the original Indian thoughts. Also he greatly believed in the Swaraja and Swadeshi. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya adopted a very pragmatic approach in politics and economics. He welcomed modern technology but it should be modified to satisfy the needs of the people of India. Deen dayal argued that India should adopt a decentralized polity and self-reliant economy with the village as the base.And he always believed in a constructive approach to the Politics. He had asked hisfollowers to cooperate with the government when it was right and fearlessly oppose it when it waswrong. Thus he criticized the policy of continues opposition to the Government.

According to Lal Krishna Advani “Deen Dayal Upadhyaya felt that both Capitalism and Communism were flawed philosophies.One considers man a mere selfish being hankering after money, having only one law, the law of fierce competition. whereas the other views him as a feeble lifeless cog in the whole scheme of things. The centralization of power, economic and political, is implied in both. They pit one section of society against the other, the individual against the collective, man against nature.” Din Dayal Upadhyaya favored economic freedom and stressed on the decentralization of the economy to empower local communities to make economic and developmental choices. He favored the Gandhian concept of “manufacture by the masses for the masses”. Also he advocated for the “Right to work” for the people. He criticized Nehru’s Five-Year Plans because they were unable to achieve the inclusive growth in India.

deen dayal

Deen dayal upadhyaya grameen kaushalya yojana

He also does not have the narrow sectarian views and wanted the welfare of all the people of India irrespective of Caste or Religion.And he had said, “We are pledged to the service not of any particular community or section but of the entire nation. Every countryman is blood of our blood and flesh of our We shall not rest till we are able to give to every one of them a sense of pride that they are children.We shall make Mother India sujala, suphala (i.e. overflowing with water and laden with ense of these words. As Dashapraharana Dharini Durga with her ten weapons, she fruits) in the real sense of these words, As Dashapraharana quish evil.And as Lakshmi, she would be able to disburse prosperity all over and as would be able to vanquish evil.

According to Subramanian Swamy”Integral Humanism Theory recognized that in a democratic market economy an individual has technical freedom of choice but the system without safeguards fails to accommodate the varying capabilities and endowments of a human being. Since the concept of survival of the fittest prevails in such a system, therefore some individuals achieve great personal advancement ors get trampled on or disabled in the ensuing rat race. We need to build a safety net into our in for the underprivileged or disabled while simultaneously rewarding the meritorious or gifter the politically empowered poor in a democracy who are in a majority will clash with the Otherwise, the politically empowered poor in a democracy nowered rich who are the minority, thereby causing instability and upheaval in a marker economically empowered rich who are the minority system.”


1) “The principles of Ethics are not framed by any one, these are rather discovered.”
2) “In India the Principles of Ethics are termed as Dharma-The Laws of Life.”
3) “Strength lies not in unrestrained behavior but in well regulated action.”
4) “There is diversity and plurality in life but we have always attempted to discover the unity behind them.”
5) “Independence can be meaningful only if it becomes instrument for expression of our culture”
6) “It is essential that we think about ‘Our National Identity’ without which there is no meaning of Independence”.
7) “The basic cause of the problems facing Bharat is the neglect of Its National Identity”
8) “”Unity in diversity and the expressions of unity in various forms has remained the thou
Indian Culture”.

9) “When State acquires all powers, both political and economic,the quires all powers, both political and economic, the result is a decline of Dharma
10) “Dharma is very wide concept which concerns all aspects of life sustain
concerns all aspects of life sustaining the society.” of Indian Culture is that it looks upon life as an integrated whole.”
12) “Opportunism has shaken the confidence of People in Politics.
13) “Opportunists with no principles rein in politics of our country”.
14) “Here in India, we have placed before ourselves the ideal of catering to the needs of Body, Mind, Intellect and Soul with a view to Man.”

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