Hello friends, Welcome to infosarena.com . In this article there are 5 different types of Books Are Our Best Friend Essay are written. This Essay are wrote in English language and arranged according to word count. You can able to get an essays of 100 words, 200 words, 400 words, 500 words and up to 1000 words in the below paragraphs.
We have prepared a lot of things insight about our Books Are Our Best Friend Essay. This will be helpful for children to write an good Books Are Our Best Friend Essay from classes 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 to 10th. Also some information about topics related to Essay is also included in this article. Like How to write an good essay on Books Are Our Best Friend and many more.
Some Key Points To Remember When Writing An Books Are Our Best Friend Essay :
Table of Contents
Young youngsters may be confused while writing an essay for the 1st time. They may also forget to shape it properly to make it meaningful or write inappropriate records making the composition glide from the given subject matter. To assist youngsters write an excellent piece on Books Are Our Best Friend Essay, they should be aware of those key factors that can come in accessible:
Here are key points to recall for all students when writing an Books Are Our Best Friend Essay :
- Explain Books Are Our Best Friend Essay.
- Benefits of Books.
- Books are our true friends.
- types of books.
- Conclusion.
Books Are Our Best Friend Essay in 300 Words
Books are our best friends, books will never leave you. When we laugh, they laugh with us. He sympathizes with us when we cry. Our friends can leave us. Money can take away on wings but books remain faithful to us. The help given to us by books never diminishes. On the other hand, it always increases.
It fixes our outlook on life, the sense of oneness, the spirit of fellowship and the ideas of oneness of all people. They entertain and entertain us. Books are products of master minds. He is the store house of knowledge. They are the precious life blood of master mind so they enrich our mind. And They give us courage in moments of despair and loneliness.
They fill our mind with great thoughts, they broaden our outlook on life. And They fill our mind with great ideas. They broaden our perspective of life. But They wake up our souls. They tell us about our past traditions and culture. True books always add to our knowledge of modern times. However, we have to be careful of bad books it is only good books which give us inspiration and remove our sorrow. The loads of cares and worries are off, if we engage our mind in some interesting books.
Also Read :- Autobiography Of Book
Books Are Our Best Friend Essay For Students in 500 Words
Introduction :
Books can be divided into many categories such as school books, college and university books, dictionaries, literary books such as autobiographies, novels, sketches, satires, criticism, stories, etc. Each subject has its own separate books in the college.
There are separate books for engineering, there are separate books for those doing medical course. Similarly, there are thick books for advocacy in which all kinds of laws, rules and sections are written. There are separate books for administrative exams like IAS, PCS.We get all kinds of knowledge from books. By reading the history book, we get to know which type of king was there, how he ruled and what reforms he did in his kingdom.
Similarly, by reading the book of Geography, we get information about the world and our country’s climate, seasons, crops, rivers, mountains, forests, weather etc. By reading the book of civics, we get information about the constitutional structure of our country.
Types of Books –
1)school books
2)College and University Books
3)religious books
4)dictionary books
5)literary books
6)books for competitive exams
7)Books in the form of government reports issued by the government
Benefits of Books :
1. source of knowledge :
We all get knowledge by reading books. Not only about our city, state, country, we get all the information about the world only by reading books. Now in the era of modern technology, all kinds of books are available in e-book on the internet. Now we all can read any kind of book on our mobile phone, computer only.
2. Gives good education and culture to children :
We get good manners only by reading books. We learn not to do bad things, not to take bribes, not to lie, not to steal. Respect for all religions, respect for elders, love should be given to the younger ones.
We get to know all this only after reading the book. Books tell us that we should not be jealous and hateful to anyone. Everyone should be considered as his brothers and sisters.
3. One cannot become educated without books :
Have you ever thought that if there were no books then how would you get education. That’s why we all should be grateful to books. Books play an important role in the education of children. Not everything can be explained by speaking, it can be taught.
It is necessary to write them. When a child reads a lesson in his book two or three times, then the lesson is well memorized. We all get good jobs after getting higher education. That’s why the importance of books always remains in the lives of all of us.
4. Books create jobs :
At present the business of books has increased a lot. There is a profit of thousands and lakhs in this work, so many people have now started doing business of books. Small traders have started selling books.
While big capitalists publish books by setting up printing presses and distribute them in markets across the country. They all make good profits. The market of books for competitive exams is very hot. Before every competitive exam, his books come in the market. All the students buy such competition books in large numbers.
5. Best way to spend free time :
Often many people read books when they have free time. Through this we also get knowledge and we also get to know new things. Elderly, old age people like to read religious books like Gita, Ramayana, Ramcharitmanas in free time. He gets immense pleasure by reading couplets of Ramcharitmanas.
6. history information :
Have you ever thought that what would have happened if historians did not write history in books at all? Everything that happened thousands of years ago is recorded in books. If historians do not write them at all, then we would never get to know about the kings and emperors of ancient times, people, their culture, civilization, tradition, food habits, customs, beliefs, clothing, religious information. In this way, knowledge is recorded by writing in books, which is useful for future generations.
7. Books help future generations :
This thing is completely authentic. Doctors find cures for diseases/epidemics and record them in treatment books. Similarly, scientists record their new discoveries and techniques in books. So that our future generation can know about that knowledge.

Books Are Our Best Friend Essay in 1000 Words
Introduction :
Books are our true friends. Once a friend of yours may leave you, but books never leave us. In sorrow, in happiness, in laughter, in happiness, books play with us by becoming a true friend.
Books provide knowledge, always teach good things. Books guide us. Whenever we lose our way, it shows us the way. Old temples, old history all get destroyed but books live forever.
Books are very important in our life. It not only makes us a good human being, but also gives us good values. With this knowledge, we know how to identify good from bad. That’s why books are our true friends.
Form of books :
From the very beginning of creation, the form of books was seen in the form of pictures and photographs on big rocks. The form of those books can be seen even today on the rocks or in the caves.
After that, palm leaves and food leaves started again, which you can see in the museum. After some time, papers were invented and it is believed that this paper first started in China.
Writer, poet, historian, story writer, novelist, dramatist, essayist and solitary writer can communicate knowledge in books. That writer writes down his thoughts and feelings on paper with a pen.
The same writing is called manuscript and those manuscript forms are given in the hands of compositors, who bind these books in the form of typos. After this the form that emerges to us is called a book.
But if the words and thoughts in those books captivate our mind, then understand that they leave a positive impact on your character and life.
Books are our true friends :
Many great people of the world have expressed their views on books. Some of these precious statements show that books play an very important role in human life and every progress.
Books are not only a storehouse of information and knowledge, but also contribute a great deal in our thinking and mental expansion and in making us a civilized and cultured human being. By the way, many great people have expressed their very good views on the book.
Some of whose views are as follows :
(1) “There is no friend as faithful as a book.” – Ernest Hemingway
(2) “Books make a man realize that what he considers to be his basic idea is not new.” – Abraham Lincoln
(3) “Good books are living idols. His worship brings instant light and joy.” – Pandit Shriram Sharma’ Acharya
(4) “Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a new door opens and some more light comes in.” – Vera Nazarian
(5) “Whoever says that there is only one life to live must not know how to read a book.” – unknown
(6) “A room without books is like a body without a soul.” – Cicero
(7) “There are many small ways you can expand your child’s world. The best among them is to inculcate love for books. – Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
(8) “You cannot buy happiness, but you can buy a book that will make you happy.” – unknown
(9) “There is hardly any day in our childhood which is not spent with books.” – Marcel Proust
These statements written on the book teach us that the book is our true friend who always supports us. We should never leave the company of the book, because it will always teach something good and will wish us well.
That’s why keep his hand tight in every situation. Because a priceless gem should never be lost, it is always in our good to keep it carefully.
Books help in building character like a true friend :
Books are the only medium to convey the thoughts of great people to us. In ancient times, when there was no such means, so that our sages could keep their high thoughts together. Then palm leaf was chosen for this, on which he used to keep his thoughts together by writing.
As civilization developed, the technological era began, then the printing press was invented. Since then various books were created and the thoughts of the same sages are safe with us till date.
That’s why we know our old customs and rituals very well. Today even the people of western civilization are accepting them by coming to our country India. Because whatever be the knowledge and wherever it may be, books are always helpful for showing the right path to a person and building character.
It is books that are very helpful in building our character. Most helpful in this are our religious texts, such as Bible, Ramayana, Gita, Quran, Guru Granth Sahib etc. Nowadays, motivational speakers give us the knowledge to stay away from negativity. Where the scriptures show the right path of action, the same Panchatantra stories, hits etc. teach us the lesson of morality.
types of books :
There are many types of books and all the books have their own distinct specialty. Everyone shares some or the other knowledge. We can see these books from our childhood till we grow up and we spend our childhood with true friends like these books.
Education from nursery class to twelfth is available only with these books. This is our true friend who only gave us the bus, did not ask us anything in return.
The beginning of career is not possible without these books. The doctors, lawyers, engineers who have become today, is it possible without the knowledge of books? No not at all. When there is no knowledge without a teacher, then how can that knowledge be possible without a book. There is no beginning of life without a book, that’s why book is the key to all knowledge.
The best kind of books in our life are like this :
Text books that are used in schools, which are usually printed.
1)scientific books
2)entertainment books
3)books of advice
4)literary and multilingual books
5)poetry and story books
6)technical knowledge books
7)religious books
8)disclosure books
9)novel books
10)books of artistic knowledge
You can guess by looking at these books that the book has made an important place in our life. It is needed from education to religion and from religion to our karma. There are books of every level, which is very important in our life and also a close friend of our life.
The one who has supported us in all kinds of situations like happiness and sorrow, where our own people do not support us, the same books support us in every situation without saying anything. This is called a true friend. The one who has made these books his friend, can never feel alone in his life.
Conclusion :
Books are our good friends, because they inspire us to do good and right things by giving us knowledge like a good friend in our bad times. One good book is equal to 100 friends. A book is like a tonic.
Just as we do physical exercise to make the body strong, similarly we should read books to make the mind strong. There is no best and true friend like a book on this earth. If a person wants to get some knowledge about a particular person, country, culture, tourism etc., then he has to go there after covering a long distance. Instead, he can get complete knowledge of any place in the world by reading a book.
A book is like a storehouse of knowledge, in front of which all the treasures of the world are small. Because the accumulated treasures like gold reserves, money reserves etc. are very difficult to get after they are gone. But no one can steal the knowledge obtained from books, nor can it be called knowledge. The more you study books, the more your fund of knowledge keeps on increasing. Books are the greatest boon for man on this earth.
10 Lines on Books Are Our Best Friend Essay :
- Books are our best friends because they provide us with knowledge, wisdom, and companionship.
- They are always available to us whenever we need them, and they never judge us.
- Books can transport us to different worlds, introduce us to new ideas, and inspire us to be better people.
- They can also provide us with comfort, solace, and a sense of belonging.
- Books can help us understand ourselves and others better, and they can broaden our perspectives.
- Reading books can improve our vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills.
- They can also improve our mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.
- Books can be a source of entertainment and a way to escape from reality for a while.
- They can teach us about history, science, art, culture, and many other subjects.
- In short, books are our best friends because they enrich our lives in countless ways and never let us down.
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