APPTITUDE TOPICS | Importance and Scope |


Aptitude is define as natural/inherent talent to acquire certain skills/ability in the future through appropriate training. Aptitude can both mental as well as physical. The basis of APPTITUDE TOPICS is the inner interest of a Person. However, APPTITUDE TOPICS of a person is always checked or evaluated by some outer agency . For ex: UPSC, MPPSC etc.So skills refer to the things which we have learnt in the past. And ability refers to the things which we can do or perform now due to the skills acquired in the past through Training. But the relation between the Ability and Skills and APPTITUDE TOPIC can understood through the following diagram and Accountability. And It refers to the post-factor mechanism to ensure responsibility.So in simple words Accountability is the responsibility of a person for his action.And also inaction during the performance of his duty.

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INTEGRITY: Integrity is an Umbrella term and Honesty comes under the ambit of Integrity. Integrity means a Civil Servant should not come under any kind of outside pressure while performing his public duties. So he should neither be lur by any financial benefits nor be threatened by any kind of political or other pressure. Otherwise it will have negative impact on the performance of his duties.And he should always work with Honesty and morality. But in simple words and Integrity is the amalgamation of Honesty and consistency,
Human Values and Transparency. But government never compromises and tolerates the lack of integrity in the Civil Servants. Integrity of the Civil Servants is maintain through the strict application of the Code of Conduct for the Civil Servants.And according to Mahatma Gandhiji” Integrity is inherent to a healthy nation”. Integrity can understand from three perspectives. i.e. Individual Integrity and Social Integrity.

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Impartiality refers that decisions taken by the Civil Servants should not base on prejudices and bias but it will fair and justifiable.But in other words and Civil Servants should treat all people and groups equally. Civil Servants should not favor a particular person or group white Lakme decisions. And the decisions taken by the Civil Servants should always be based on Objective criteria and no disfavor should shown towards any section of the society. Impartiality can be view from two perspectives in Civil Services i.e. Political impartiality and Public impartiality and Political Impartiality: Civil Servants should serve the government with the best of his abilities and his own political views should not affect his duty in any way.But he must always retain the confidence of the ministers and He should always advice the minister on policy matters according to the best of his abilities.

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Tolerance: Tolerance can be defin as the willingn to accept those behaviors or opinions of other persons that are not lik by a person and It includes the ability to accept the thoughts of other persons but even if we do not agree with them.But in other words and it refers to fair and unbiased and objective attitude towards those persons whose opinions and practices, race and religion and rationality etc but differ from one’s own practices and behavior.of enduring capacity to accept diversity of views and practices in the society.But  Article-21 of the Indian Constitution guarantees not only Right to Life, but Right to a algned achieved through the tolerance in the society and Tolerance upholds the human rights maintains rule of law. There will be chaos and instability in the society without the tolerance leads to harmony and peace in a pluralistic society having much diversity.

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